kusam lata

New York


Question no. 25

Match the following definitions with their one-word substitutes.

a) Mental disturbance caused by illness                                                                                               i) Delirium

b) A political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular passions and prejudices              ii) Demagogue

c) Not to be considered serious                                                                                                           iii) Draper

d) A shopkeeper selling cloth and clothing                                                                                          iv) Derisory

(a-i), (b-ii), (c-iv), (d-iii)
(a-ii), (b-iii), (c-i), (d-iv)
(a-i), (b-ii), (c-iii), (d-iv)
(a-iv), (b-i), (c-ii), (d-iii)